60% of studios are small-sized (1-5 people).
Shortest: 5’4”
Tallest: 5’11”
I owe my career to three people: Herb Lubalin, who taught me how to design, Harris Lewine, who taught me how to art direct, and Steven Heller, who taught me how to write.
Average: 17 years
Client meetings held in studio: More than half
Books and bookshelves, Our work, Italian and French design ephemera
We keep our desks clean and tidy.
We love it, it’s perfect
50% of studios work 40-49 hours/week.
The average is 40-49 hours/week.
42% of studios have side projects.
36% of studios are quiet
Favorite sit-down lunch: Tarallucci e Vino
Favorite Place(s): Pearl Oyster Bar, Mermaid Inn, L'Arte del Gelato